Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mitch with the Pregnancy Empathy Belly

Mitch attended a Daddy Bootcamp class today, which was similar to my Mommy Survival class. It focused on newborn babies and what to expect as well as how to care for them.  They also had a police officer come and show them how to properly install the infant carseats, which we need to do!  

At the end of the class they were given the opportunity to wear a pregnancy empathy belly of 35 pounds!  I was fortunate enough to get to witness and photograph this with Mitch!  The look on his face was priceless when he tried to sit!  I watched (laughed) as he performed many simple tasks, such as tie his shoes, pick things up off the floor, and walk up a flight of stairs. He mentioned several times that the pressure on his bladder made him feel like he had to pee.........um yeah!  He also had to lie on his back and then roll from side to side like I do in my sleep!  

It was so much fun to get to be there and watch him!  Not that he hasn't been empathetic, but this will give him a little more perspective!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nicole, congrats to you and Mitch! Thought you might be amused by a 24-hour Empathy story: http://tinyurl.com/dzo8s4
